Seminars & Workshops
Object-Oriented Systems Development—A 5-Day Workshop
(UML Compliant)

aLigra Systems

Hands On Training

bulletBased on Complete, In-Depth, Case Studies
bulletFrom Concept to Code in One Week
bulletNothing is Left to the Imagination!
bulletTaught by the Author of a Leading Object-Oriented Text Book
bulletPrentice-Hall Text Book and Case Study Diskette Included
bulletBooch/OMT (Rumbaugh)/Jacobson Unified Modeling Language (UML 1.0) Compliant
bullet40 solid hours of training include breakfast and working lunches

What's it all About?

Building and delivering large, complex software systems on schedule and within budget is more difficult than ever. Object-oriented technology holds real promise of dramatically increasing productivity and reducing development time. There's no question that object technology will be the dominant software development method of the future.

This in-depth, down-to-earth workshop brings you from concept to code in 5 days. Nothing is left to the imagination. You will leave this workshop with a diskette containing your working case studies and all workproducts.

TWO REALISTIC, in-depth, case studies are developed from user problem statement through object-oriented analysis, design and into implementation. Case studies are designed for both business and engineering developers.

Practical "rules of thumb" are introduced and explained.

All techniques and notation are compliant with the Booch/OMT (Rumbaugh)/Jacobson Unified Modeling Language (UML 1.0) but are applicable to virtually every version of object-oriented analysis and design.

Your instructor is the co-author of a leading object-oriented textbook published by Prentice Hall.

Who Should Attend?

This workshop is intended for those who desire an in-depth, down-to-earth presentation of object-oriented analysis, design and implementation techniques. Analysts, systems and software engineers, project managers and project leaders, and programmers will benefit from this workshop. No prior exposure to object-oriented concepts is required. Prior exposure to software system analysis and design techniques is desirable but not required.

What Makes this Workshop Unique?

Students do more than just work on "exercises" or "examples." Students bring their case study from concept to implementation by developing workproducts. Every major object-oriented workproduct is developed by small, energetic teams; workproducts are then reviewed and discussed. Team interactions provide an exciting and dynamic dimension to this workshop. Your instructor personally critiques workproducts providing insight and suggestions.

No other public seminar or workshop provides this level of hands-on, in-depth participation. Forty solid hours of training include breakfast and working lunches.

Students receive a copy of Case Studies in Object-Oriented Analysis & Design by Ed Yourdon and Carl Argila.

You Will Learn...

  • What is Object Technology? And why you should care!
  • How to create an initial object model from an informal statement of system requirements.
  • How to refine and formalize the object model.
  • How to document and review the object-oriented analysis model.
  • How to move smoothly from analysis to design.
  • The components and structure of the object-oriented design model.
  • How to specify and prototype the human interface.
  • How to incorporate operating system and platform technology issues into the object-oriented design.
  • How to incorporate existing database technology into the object-oriented design.
  • What are critical quality issues.
  • How to document and review the design.
  • How to move into implementation.
  • What is an iterative software development process.
  • How to test object-based designs
  • How to effect a successful transition to object-oriented technology.



What makes object-technology different than conventional software development methods? Most software developers are familiar with traditional top-down, functional decomposition approaches. Object-technology involves a change in "mind-set." Developers must now think in terms of a "middle-out" collaboration of objects.

Case Studies Finding and Keeping Good Objects Class and Object Identification


Understanding and capturing user requirements from an object-oriented perspective. The traditional "Victorian novel" specification has proven to be an ineffective way to capture complex software requirements. The object-oriented analysis model combines both visual and textual forms to precisely specify user requirements from an object-oriented perspective.

Things Objects Remember: Identifying Attributes

Things Objects Do and Say: Identifying Operations & Messages REVIEWING AND DOCUMENTING THE ANALYSIS MODEL

Did we build the right model? Did we build the model right? It is essential that the object-oriented analysis model be presented in a form which assures that the user can clearly visualize the proposed system.

Documenting the Analysis Model Reviewing and Revising the Analysis Model BUILDING THE OBJECT-ORIENTED DESIGN MODEL

Specifying the system implementation from an object-oriented perspective. The user statement of requirements must be cast within the framework of an implementation technology.

Transitioning into Design

Specifying the Human Interface Task Management Issues Specifying Database Design EVALUATING AND DOCUMENTING THE OBJECT-ORIENTED DESIGN

Effective presentation of the design. Designs must be evaluated from many different, conflicting perspectives. The design must be clearly presented for implementation.

Documenting and Reviewing the Design Model MOVING INTO OBJECT-TECHNOLOGY

Getting an object-based system from design to delivery. The successful implementation of object-technology involves far more than technical problems. Developer mind-sets and corporate cultures must change.

Implementation Issues

Process & Life-Cycle Issues Testing Object-Based Designs Transitioning to Object Technology

About your instructor

Dr. Carl Argila is co-author, with Ed Yourdon, of Case Studies in Object-Oriented Analysis & Design (Prentice Hall, 1996). Dr. Argila offers over 30 years experience in the analysis, design and implementation of large software systems. Over the past five years, Dr. Argila has presented this workshop throughout North America, Europe, India and the Pacific Rim.

Dr. Argila is president of aLigra Systems; his consultancy offers a broad range of software engineering consulting and training services in the areas of software systems analysis and design, software development methods, software project management and the application of CASE technology.

Student Comments

  • "A difficult course discussed in a high-intensity, high efficiency environment that keeps you glued to your seat."
  • "The course and case study was excellent. This helped in using the various models and learning. Instructor did an excellent job and teaching this subject."
  • "The class was insightful and informative, it also was entertaining and interesting..."
    Hong Kong
  • "Class was extremely valuable information & heightened my awareness."
  • "Excellent course. Covered material in sufficient detail and added levity to an intense topic."
    Washington, DC
  • "Excellent presentation style. One of the better courses I've seen in terms of keeping students attentive by the use of real-world anecdotes & examples."

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