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aLigra Systems


Case Studies in Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Edward Yourdon, New York City, New York
Carl A. Argila, Las Vegas, Nevada

We are pleased to announce the publication of Case Studies in Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, co-authored with Edward Yourdon, by aLigra Systems president, Dr. Carl Argila.

Although there are numerous books on object-oriented programming, few go beyond a presentation of terminology, notation and the structure of a unique model. Written by a co-developer of one of the most popular OOA/OOD methods, this exceptionally practical and authoritative case study book shows how object-oriented analysis and design are actually practiced in developing real systems—i.e., shows the insight (in addition to technique) that was applied at each step in a solution—false starts and all. Presents two very realistic case studies—one with a predominant reactive view and one with a predominant data view—and shows how the principles of object-oriented analysis and design are applied to them.


Bullet Uses a synthesis of various methods to develop an analysis model and a design model.

Bullet Devotes separate chapters to each of the OOA “building blocks” (subject layer, class/object layer, structure layer, attribute layer, service layer) as well as the various “components of the OOD model (problem-domain components, human-interaction component, task-management components, and data management component).

Bullet Provides a general review of analysis, design, and project-management issues.

Bullet Includes all workproducts and case study system implementations on diskette.

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